Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Founding Fathers

Americans can trace their heritage and history with a certain amount of pride, overcoming pretty long odds to become the most prosperous nation of all time. We can all look back to Washington, Jefferson and Madison with a certain amazement at what they risked in order to gain our independence and create a new nation. Regardless of our opinions of the Founding Fathers and their motivations, religious convictions and social opinions, we can all agree that our respect for those men begets a high honor.
I wonder if our Founding Fathers will continue to be remembered through the ages, for we may be on the cusp of history that will redefine our "Founders" from a different time, and this time is rapidly approaching. I am most proud of our nation being able to put aside race and electing the first African American President, but at the same time I have a sense of foreboding that our new direction is borne of a calculated and precise plan to re-create the United States of America in a very different image.
Use a little investigative work on the web, and it seems painfully true that most of the people in power in the US today have a common background, and it is not one in support of democracy or our republic. There is a calculated effort in play right now to overwhelm capitalism in America, and replace this system with a new order that can be traced to a single source. Take some time to Google up Saul Alinski, a man who hated liberals during his lifetime not because they were not on the right track, but because they were too soft and not willing to employ militant tactics to achieve their ends.
Alinski wrote several books, among them Rules for Radicals, and traces his personal history back to a time when the Communist Party in America was just beginning, in Chicago of all places...If you keep looking, you will find that he proposed a tactical system of subversion that used community organizing to lead a powerful call for change, then overwhelms government systems with required services that cannot possibly be provided, and then allows a new system to prevail after rebellion that places a select few in power. There are two key adherents to this theory, who studied under this man and perfected this system, and those two people are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Now, before you get mad and call me names, do the research yourself, find the associations and draw your own conclusions. I am open to reasonable discussion, but the facts seem uncontrovertable, and we all should question whether or not this could be true and get it out in the open.
If this is true, then several things should start happening according to this plan. First, government programs will be funded with huge amounts of money, eventually becoming overwhelmed and unable to provide the level of service that has been promised. Community Service programs will equate to brainwashing our young people that America is a terrible country, full of evil and keeping the people of our world under our heavy handed thumbs. Community activism and reform groups will continue to grow with huge funding from our very own government, and the message that our Republican form of government does not serve their needs will be the primary focus. The opposing party will become the "party of no." Taxation will increase until the burden is so great on the working minority of the population that they will do anything to get out from under the burden.
What is the result of all this? A change of government form in the US, whether it be a Constitutional change or based only on reality, that we are transferring power from our Republican form of government to that of an oligarchy (rule by a few powerful people). If you step back and look, this epic shift has already begun, the situation is in place and the select few in control of our future oligarchy are completing the steps one by one. Perhaps I am a cynic, perhaps looking for a magic bullet and there really is no conspiracy, but as we see private meetings and controlled use of the media we should be thinking about the real story. Unfortunately, I feel that in just the past few months we have been unwittingly manipulated into letting this happen, not without protest to be sure, but without any real power to stop the onslaught that is coming. We may well be into a cycle that will indeed lead to rebellion, but I hope that it is a rebellion based on the Tea Party model that puts power back in the hands of the people and takes it out of the hands of government. The Constitution is the key, if we draw the line there we may have a chance, where power not given to the federal government must reside with the states and the people, and limited government is advocated so that this document may prevail and protect the people from the government as it was designed.
Do your research, make your own decisions, but do it quickly before we find the Constitution re-written and statues of Saul Alinski replacing those of George Washington.

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